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Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Another musically inspired title.

It's been a month? Life spins me right 'round baby right 'round. (I remember loving to hate that song. My best friend loved it. I loved the send-up to the singer, and the era's fashion, in The Wedding Singer. Great movie.)

But this har joint is a knitting blog. Knitting. Yes, I have been knitting. Not as much, not as often, but with great enjoyment.

And I have a little photographic proof. (Just a little.)


Above is my Rambling Rows afghan, or should I say lapghan. It will be pretty small, and that's okay.

I've been meaning to knit this for a couple of years and well, now I am.

I bought the yarn as an impulse buy from Knitpicks this summer. I'm a sucker for tweeds. I had no plan for it, and then the yarn arrived and the colors weren't as dynamic as I had envisioned.

After the initial disappointment, I realized the yarn would be a natural fit for this mosaic tiled afghan. In August, I used MSExcel to finalize the color scheme. As I only purchased four different colors of this merino/alpaca mix, I decided to use some leftover Cascade 220 to fill in the gap.

It is the perfect coloring for a fall project, although I am darn sure I'll be knitting this for some time to come; On Ravelry I named the project "Will she or won't she," to express my fear I was going to abandon the project altogether. It's now called "i am."

My problem is with the yarn. I have a visual disinclination to knit Alpaca. A few tiles in, and I'm loving the Alpaca and begrudging the Cascades' coarse touch. Perception is everything. It took me a month to tip the scale of dissing to inclining.

What also came back to me this summer? My gift knitting mojo.

Hubby's redacted M'Gonigle/Ellipti'gle

As my rav notes indicate, the M'Gonigle pattern inspired the hat. I did not use the pattern, just kinda stole the cable motif for a generically structured hat.

So, what revelations have I had? Lots. I finally realized one of the reasons I love knitting lace. I love loose knitting. D'oh.

I love the look of tight little knit stitches, am absolutely am head-over-heels for it. But I do not enjoy it. At all. Whatsover. No. Never. Ever. Well, never say never, almost never.

Another revelation? I have no problem not being a perfect knitter. That hat above, knit for my hubby for our 11th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago, is riddled with errors. R.I.D.D.L.E.D. And I still love it. I'm still proud of it.

I had to learn to allow myself to love imperfection. It may have been hard, I'm not yet sure, but I think it's comprehensively achieved. The inner voice of disapprobation has been foiled again. Farg you, icehole! Woot!