Before launching into the meat of this post, I wanted to take a moment to elucidate that here at Chez Yarn time and effort is always spent in finding just the right word (I will ignore those rolling eyes). Today that word is yuckiness. With that said, please do not hesitate to read on. I'm one of those bizarro, arbitrarily obsessive neatniks, in that I can't work properly if things aren't "in their place." I think it's because I am an aspy . One of the ways the syndrome manifests in me is that I am hard-wired to be extremely anxious if my world doesn't meet certain, and don't forget arbitrary, Feng shui-like requirements. Furniture and clutter most be controlled at all costs. When I need to get a circular needle out of the bin pictured below, well, I may get ramped up to the point of a panic attack. That thar is some craziness I don't know how to fix. One of those really nice companies that sends me catalogs, even when I never buy a thing fr...
"the little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush, as to produce little effect after much labour" - Jane Austen